The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

Dies Returning From Kin's Rites MERIDIAN, Dec. 23 (INS) A 36-year-old Los Angeles man who journeyed to Clayton, on a death mission was sent 17. S. General Gives Tommie a Hitch Home in Plane; Calls Him Plain tf5fd' LONDON, Dec. 23 (JP) London newspapers told with delight Sunday the story of an American general who gave a British private a neighborly lift home in his airplane, calling UN Raiders Forced Back By Artillery back home Sunday for burial.

Carl Frederick Holinbough went 2 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Dec 24, 1951 Steel Accepts, Union Hazy on Truman Plea CIO Answer Slated Today; Interim Layoff Big Worry By A. H. RASKIN New York Timet New Service, Special to The Atlanta Conttituton to Clayton to attend the. funeral EIGHTH ARMY HEADQUAR of his sister, Mrs. Ralph Dugan, wife of an RKO Motion Picture 1 Co.

executive. Hohnbough and Ralph Dugan were driving back to Los Angeles Saturday night when TERS, Korea, Monday, Dec. 24 (INS) A United Nations tank f'l i 1 infantry raiding party smashed him just plain Sid. British generals don't do such things. "Said the general to the private: 'Ok, Sid, let's one newspaper headlined the story.

The man who broke through the barriers of British military decorum was four-star Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, chief of staff to General Elsenhower. Gruenther flew over. from.

Paris Saturday but inquired first among British personnel at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Personnel, Europe (SHAPE) if anyone wanted to come along for an 18-hour pre-Christmas visit. The general said he had an empty seat on his olane. Hohnbough suffered a heart attack. He died at a Meridian into the area southwest of Chor won on the western Korean front Sunday and fought a heavy engagement with counter-attacking WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 Major steel companies accepted Communist troops.

President Truman strike peace plan Sunday, but the union Tanks, supported by infantry, Salvador Shaken SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador, Dec. 23 (P) A strong earth tremor occurred Sunday in this Salvadorean capital at 1:20 p. local time. No damage was decision remained uncertain. Cru.

Grarntbtr closed in on the enemy group of undetermined strength which re Philip Murray, president of the United Steel Workers of Amer- turned an intense volume of small arms fire. CIO, will confer with his ica. The Reds counter-attacked, sup porting their advance with i Private Si3 Spooner, a clerk at SHAPE headquarters, snapped into one of those sharp British salutes and volunteered. He said he lived very close to General Gruenther's destination. And this is the way one London newspaper described their arrival: "Officers stood at the salute.

The ground crew stood to attention. The general patted the private on the back, said: OK, Sid, let's heavy concentration of mortar and artillery fire. UN UNITS WITHDRAW aides in Pittsburgh Monday on the Truman plea that the union cancel arrangements for a New Year's Eve walkout of 700,000 workers in the nation's principal steel and aluminum The President urged the union members to stay on the job while Call Nathan On $57,000 Commission By CLAYTON KNOWLES New York Timee New Service Special to The Atlanta Constitution UN tank and infantry fire blasted the Red troops, but with' (Canvas or Metal) drew under continuing fire from 1 WRECKS Staff Photo Floyd JMUon enemy artillery. Plparin skips over North TCo. SENATOR RUSSELL ON WSB-TV PRESS GALLERY Journal Editor Wright Bryan interrieios the senator.

rea Sunday morning opened the Continued From Pate 1 the Wage Stabilization Board passed on their demand for a 15-cent wage increase and other -1 mi i -r way for Fifth Air Force fighter bombers to lash out at Communist of sPeed- and three feet over tt rail facilities and frontline troop center line" when he sideswiped Russell Sees Truce Chance Cox's car. Pickens was unin positions, At least 16 rail cuts were inflicted by F-80's of the Eighth Fighter Bomber Wing, F-84's of the 136th Fighter Bomber Wing and land-based fighters of the But Warns on Treachery WASHINGTON Dec 23 The Deneius. wmie nouse oinciais WAbMiNUiuw, u-f said Mr. Truman was ready to Senate's special investigating sub- obtain an eight-day. no-strike ln-committee has subpoenaed Frank! junction under the national emer-Nathan, already under fire in a'sency provisions of the Taft-charge involving a $500,000 turned shakedown, to explain what he did to earn a $57,000 commission STEEL'S LIKE GOLD in proper d-L Confirming service of a sub- president's close advisers de-poena returnable Jan.

9. Francis ciared. "We simply cannot get D. Flanagan, subcommittee coun- enough of it and we cannot f-sel. said Nathan's role in several to lose a singie days pro.

other deals, also involving surplus auction." Wormslqe Plantation Is Granted Charter SAVANNAH, Dec. 23 (JP) Owners of Wormsloe Plantation near here, which has been in the Derenne family for more than 200 years, have received a charter in Superior Court. The charter incorporated the Wormsloe Foundation, whose objectives are the development of agriculture and horticulture, his-torial research and the preservation of historic sites and documents. Incorporators are Elfrida Derenne Barrow, Craig Barrow and Muriel Barrow BeU. The plantation has been in the Derenne family since it was granted by King George II of England.

jured. The four injured soldiers, all from Camp Rucker, were identified as Ben Diamond, Carmen Tiriam, Michael Lisco and R. R. Dean. Three persons were killed shortly after 9 p.

m. Sunday when two automobiles collided head on near the Augusta National golf course, Georgia's Senator Russell said Sunday he believes there on is a fair chance 01 reaching a truce agreement in xkoreajthe lines between Kunu and "on honorable terms. ISunchon, between Chunghwa and Hwangju and south of Wonsan. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee was Augusta, Sheriff M. Gary Whittle reported.

mildly optimistic about the Korean properties disposed of by the War situation, although tacking on a The bijr point of uncertainty lhe dead were identiiied as warning-that "we are dealing with not whether the union would agree to submit its case to the Robert Gordon Boswell, 64, of Kathwood, S. E. Inglett Jr. of the most treacherous people on The enemy may be using Assets Administration, will come under scrutiny when the Pittsburgh and Miami promoter comes before the subcommittee. As a first order of business, Flanagan said the subcommittee Cease-Fire Hopes Held By Collins Martinez, and David L.

Chamber-lin of Augusta. Mr. Boswell's wife wage board, but whether it would take steps to keep its members at work until a formal decision was Up University Construction, Solons Asked the truce talks as a breather, he admitted. was in the Augusta hospital with made at a special convention to "But I'm hopeful we'll be able 3 undetermined injuries. KILLED NEAR ROME ices Nathan performed to warrant I be.hld Atlantic City Jan.

to bring the conflict to a conclusion," the Georgia Democrat said during an interview over WSB-TV. He was interviewed by Journal Editor Wright Bryan. Hogs at Tif ton Bring 18 Cents Charles Boggs, 21, of Dallas, was killed on State Highway 101 about An additional $20,000,000 worth WASHINGTON. Dec. 23 (U.PJ Gen.

J. Lawton Collins. Army 10 miles south of Rome, state pa Canopies Tarpaulins Store Awnings Venetian Blinds Made to Order Col! CAIhoun 3101 for estimota ATLANTA TENT AWNING CO. Eost Point. Go.

of buildings for the University of As for Western Europe, where trolmen reported. They said he lost control of his auto and over chief of staff, said Sunday he still he has recently spent some a' Athens and a multi- turned million-dollar bonus for veterans of all wars are scheduled to be hopes for a cease-fire in Korea by next Thursday's deadline. on an inspection tour, Russell said American troops there are in "fine TIFTON, Dec. 23 At the regular weekly auction of Tifton Stock Yards, No. 1 hogs brought 18 cents a pound, according to Bill Walker, owner.

Feeder pigs brought $22.10 a hundredweight. sought at the Jan. 14 session of Frank Gabel, 85, of Ball Ground died after being struck by an auto, patrolmen said, about five miles sion by the Landulant Torrance 15 considered certain that Corporation which purchased gov- Murray and other union leaders erment-owned equipment in the thjL Lh Alcoa plant at Torrance. Calif. fc fff cg DEAL YIELDS MILLION 'of which Murray is president, The basic purchase price Prt in per-by the syndicate, made up of New suading Mr Truman to give the Yorkers and Californians, totvrule $750,000 but, under a special per-idlsPute itat menac? Jhe Lt' ff.

production program. Little likeh- centage arrangement it is under- hood seen th Murr would stood the government ultimately turn his back on this procedure realized in excess of $1,000,000 now from the sale. Nathan told of the transaction LAPSE WORRY first to the House ways and means I The problem that worries the Georgia Legislature. His optimistic view, given on the National Broadcasting Company television program "Meet the Press," was in contrast to dispatches from the truce talk site Rep. C.

C. Perkins of Carroll-ton, elected last August to fill a vacancy created by the death of west of Dawsonville on State and feeder calves topped at $34. Route 53 Saturday. I One milk cow brought a total of Alvin Lane, 30-year-old Negro $276. of Waynesville, was killed instant- shape" and morale is good.

He said one of our chief problems in Europe is to inspire the free nations with a will to fight communism. Failing that, he said, it may be necessary to withdraw American resources to this country a plan advocated by former President Herbert Hoover. Rep. Willis Smith, announced Sun telling of continuing deadlocks on the critical inspection and prisoner day he would introduce a constitutional amendment to make pos-, sible the payment of a state bonus ly when his car hit a log lying across U. S.

Highway 84, 10 miles east of Nahunta. The State Patrol reported that issues. Collins did not say whether he has late information to back up his optimism. But when asked if he to Spanish-American, World War World War II and Korean a nine-month-old girl, Vera Ray 2 still hopes for an armistice, he re plied: Perkins did not say how this subcommittee investigating tax scandals. In testimony on Dec.

5, he described it as one of a number of deals he arranged for others, never putting up money himself, in the hope of being "taken care of." multimillion dollar bonus plan "I am still hopeful." Washington officials is how to prevent a break in steel output from the time the present union contract expires at midnight, Dec. 31, until the convention meets three dayS later. The union's wage policy committee decreed a week ago that any would be financed. Pressed to say whether he means Roy V. Harris of Augusta, mem by the "Christmas" deadline ber of the Board of Regents, said Jones of Juniper, was killed in an auto accident two miles west of Geneva in Talbot County late Saturday.

The report said seven other persons were injured in the wreck. 3 DIE, 2 INJURED Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weathers and Rozzie Weathers were killed Saturday in a head-on collision actually Dec. 27, the date the 30-day battle-line agreement expires Russell stressed that he does not favor such a course and said that "we have by no means reached the point where such action is necessary." He said the more than in Marshall Plan aid poured into Western Europe has saved it from communism but so far has not accomplished its secondary aim to stabilize free Europe politically and economically.

SEES SCANDAL ISSUE Russell was questioned about next yearns presidential race, in This facet of his shoestring op- Sunday that he understands the erations came out as he denied government appeal for postpone- he said: 2 Regents will ask for an extended building program in the University System and for an additional "Not necessarily. But I still have hope it will be before then. OTHER ANSWERS million dollars a year to enable the board to issue additional revenue certificates for greatly- under oath having participated ment of the strike would have with Bert K. Naster of Hollywood, to be acted upon at the Atlantic in an attempt to get $500,000, City session. from Abraham Teitelbaum, Unless the union leaders untie wealthy Chicago attorney, for set- their own hands, the convention tling his tax difficulties at Wash- time-table would guarantee a ington.

i loss of at least one week's steel In telling the storv. Teitelbaum. production, even if the convention near Ludowici. Two persons 713 W. PEACHTREE Collins made these other points needed buildings.

In reply, to questions covering i broad ratfge of military matters btarted a few years ago with a 1. It is better as "general who once represented eaneland's decided to accept the President's limit of $12,000,000, the University Building Authority increased its bonding ceiling to $20,000,000 proposition" for a civilian to be uapone Drotners, insisted tne pair Pian ana sena ine workers oats. President but a military man claimed to be close to five Wash- to tne mills, it takes two days to should not be "ruled out" if he cluding reports that he is being considered as a prospective Democratic candidate. He said it was "naturally a great honor to be mentioned in connection with the presidency" but thought it would be some time before either major political party nominates a Southerner He thinks that the next two earlier this year. Declaring that the University of Georgia at Athens is the one institution suffering for buildings today, Regent Harris said it would take nearly $20,000,000 to put it in shape to handle an enrollment of 10,000 students.

He anticipated such an enrollment as soon as the Korean emergency is over. Harris quoted a letter from Chancellor Harmon Caldwell outlining as "absolutely necessary" months will determine whether FOR YOUR PLEASURE Tune in Songs of Christmas by FRED WARING ft CHRISTMAS EVE NIGHT 9:00 to 9:30 over WCST Sponsored by "Qeorgia Oldest Federal" If 1 FULTON COUNTY FEDERAL ft SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION Atlanta and East Point ington figures of prominence, all bank the fires and make other presently in or recently out of preparations for a shutdown in high executive posts, who were steel and it takes even longer to "looking for soft touches." the mills back in full opera- LARSON MENTIONED tio" af teTrdV- I When the President certified One of the five Teitelbaum tne steel dispute to the wage mentioned was Jess Larson, gen- board Saturday nignt he stressed 5n.rirrfiTwat0rAWhithe idea that thl nation could formerly headed the War Assets Administration. Larson, like the 8 other government figures men-jbnefet duratl0n- tioned, promptly denied the exist has the necessary "broad capabilities." Collins refused to say when General Eisenhower might, return form his European assignment, but added he knew of "a dozen or so" other generals who would be "acceptable" substitutes for Eisenhower as head of the Atlantic Pact army. 2. The United States during the past year sent 7,000 tanks and vehicles, 8,000 pieces of radio and electronics equipment, 10,000 or President Truman gets into the presidential race again.

But he declined to talk about the campaign to get General Eisenhower into the race. Russell said the current scandals under investigation in Washington likely will be the big issue of the new Congress unless Presidpnt Truman takes steps to clear up the situation. were Injured in the accident. Leroy Gee, 40, and Bernice Weatherspoon, 12, both Negroes, died Saturday night in a three-car crash near Jesup. Eight other persons were injured.

Roy Samuel Hughes, 43, of Atlanta, was fatally injured Saturday in a truck-auto collision near Tucker. One other person was injured. A highway mishap Saturday night near Collins brought death to Jarnie Jarriel, 51, of Collins. James Everett Whit worth, 25, of Atlanta died Friday when his car apparently went out of control and plunged into a ditch. His 22-year-old wife, Velma, was-injured.

A Georgia woman was killed in an accident Sunday afternoon 16 miles north of Augusta on Highway 25 near Trenton, S. C. She was Mrs. Mary Barrett Spears, 40, of Augusta. Her husband, Percy M.

Spears, suffered a possible skull fracture. State Highway Patrolman Coy L. Wetherington said the accident occurred when a car driven by Joe Anderson, Negro soldier at Camp Gordon, collided with the Spears vehicle at an intersection. Anderson was injured in the crash and was taken to the base hospital at Camp Gordon. for the Athens institution 18 buildings costing $16,400,000.

more pieces of artillery, 135,000 i These included a $2,500,000 combination armory, athletic building and convocation hall: a small arms and other military items to European allies. We have not done "as well as we had hoped" in arms shipments to TV Technicians Add to Store Of V. S. Slang $2,000,000 boys dormitory, a ence or any sucn clique in government. Refuting the Teitelbaum story under oath, Larson conceded he knew Nathan as "a man who has hung around this town for four years to my knowledge, selling names, selling reputati s.

trying to put himself in a favorable position." Ultimately after investigation, he said he had Nathan put $2,000,000 girls' dormitory, a classroom building and other improvements raneinz in Europe, and are now reviewing -it i cost from $50,000 $900,000. To some people a blonde is a glamorous young woman but in on tne WAAs "referred list." This meant, Larson said. that the irreverent jargon of the tele- gram. 3. We are sending the same type of equipment to Europe as that used in Korea.

Some of it is "a lot better" than anything the Soviet could throw against us." GRADUAL PULLOUT 4. The United States cannot pull By Burglars Are Reported Around-the-clock police burglary patrols Sunday captured the Catholic Church Spared Bombing As Fuse Fizzles the Miamian could do no business vision trade, she is just a "bliz- with the WAA without the top rH hpaH management of the WA first be- ing informed and then approving. Tls "one of the terms turned 6 up by Stafford Smith, graduate student in lournalism. who re- Tt Mim Sfort-Cri tiueat'fn for Amk'diom C'nU md Boy CLASSES NO WASTED TIME DIPLOMA AWARDED BUDGET TERMS Writ Tartar for Fra Trial Inm. i centlv DreDared a research riaDer its troops out of Korea immediate I i a lourtn burglary suspect within a week, but prowlers continued MIAMI, Dec.

23 (INS)- on "The Language of Television" mere is an armisuce. ims for a class assignment at Emory 'can only be done "gradually if the University other side does." But all our troops Emory Director To Head Meeting This heavy activity with six new raids ijynamers of Jewish and Negro reported properties in Miami switched to a James' Kennedy. 40. Negro, of Church Sunday "to show cauiiui. ue wiuiuia wu even men Smith reports that "Mike andiA in Sparta Man Buys Garage Interest Constitution.

State Newt Servlct SPARTA, Dec. 23 Marion L. Box 19S8. Phone EX. 2752 AMEUCAN SCHOOL fc i ni iwr flrpn nroinrtipfiH" hut PVm m4 Fit EE trial knmt aad liuplrtaf tuMtt.

Thomas McDonougl director of mVropn; anT television cam- tenSouT Korea'S fuse Prevented a explo Jhysical education and athletics at era: is sanff for the m- 0rea asamst Gruber in the dark hWonm Police reported that a stick of Roberts has purchased the inter- TVnnrv rrA n.apif4Ai,4 ponacAont lamT- 4lffVi net" ic an nf Rrpnt'o Qimai TVTfilAf 4 ooo "on th, screen; HTw ok3 We was found near the epr est of his partner. Gordon Fergu- AMm trance to St. pptpr anrf Paul son. in the Roberts Ferguson ea- "snow" is interference of small carefullv consider other means of ion charges of suspicion of bur- Association, will Ui preside at Church in Miami bylhe caretaker rage here and will operate in the annual meeting of the association fiaro-n nf Maht- "woof" is iXriL 221. The offices saw Trnnw an.

after an anonymous phone call to future name of "Shorty" on Chicago Dec. 28-29. television engineer's will not go," he said in reply to Parently broke a window to enter a suburban police chief warned of erta Garage Prof. McDonough recently bye: "cornfield" is a studio set insistent questions about possibU-jthe building. a an to blow up a church LfJjj served as a consultant with the with a number of microphones, ity of expanding the war in such1 Meanwhile, Burglary Dets.

H. ay- u. vea hv the wS legjslative committee of the asso- A "red-conscious a case. i F. Brown and W.

A. Petty re-1 Coral Gables Police Chief Wal-'years the William H. Bowe ciation and addressed a special which could well be named 6. Policing of an armistice by.ported that two juke boxes, one ter G- Kimbrough revealed that Construction Co. of Augusta and committee of college presidents set 'McCarthy.

is one which is un- neutrals or "non-combatants" he at 342 Gray N. and sister was told over the on, Projects in Georgia, up by the American Council on duly sensitive to light of long preferred the latter term will be 'other at the Boy and Girl Cafe, Phone that "to show we aren't South Carolina and other states. iuuLduuii. pntrthc" the cturfont wnt "fair tn hntn Kiripc" hp mpntmnprt'itu oimDSon IN were fvJMW'-vlA 6a" ocwa, vvc raided by intruders. About $31 Plan t0 celebrate Christmas byi One of Oldest Hams was taken in both burglaries.

Dommng a Catholic Church." Burelars also entered the Ches-' A call was placed to Kim- terfield Laundry at 98 Forrest brough's house two weeks ago be- HARTFORD, Conn. (JP) N. taking a quantity of ore another unexploded dynamite ords of the American Rr.dio Relay clothing; the Walton Cafe, 47 stick was discovered near a syna- league here show that one of its Marietta N. the home Two Jewish places of wor- oldest members is Dr. J.

Van I Sweden and Switzerland as "non-combatants." 7. There have "been reports indicating a buildup" of Communist troops in southern China, but Collins doubted there is much greater danger to Indochina than heretofore. He said the war situation in Indochina has been "greatly1 improved" since Gen. Jean de Latre de Tassigny took command of French forces there. J.

J. Robinson at 840 Melrose sluP have been damaged slightly of San Diego, a S. and the home of p7 blasts, but the biggest loss has retired physician. He will be 87 Christmas Eve Carol Communion Eleven O'clock to Midnight Procession of the Ccndlebearers and Music by Chancel and Antiphonal Choirs directed by Dr. Oliver Herbert The Lord's Supper is Open to All Who Love Christ.

Come, to Prepare Yourself for a More Christian Christmas PEACHTREE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Peochtree at Spring Street Christmas Organ Music from ten-thirty to eertn o'clock Maj. J. W. Brandt of 1695 Lis-j occurred in explosions at unoccu-'on his next birthday, and owns bon S. W.

Only small losses Pied Negro housing projects dur- amateur station WN6MUI. In re-were reported by the victims. ing the past six months. i porting this fact, the league classed ROCKETS an'-yi I- I once have found no clues to him as "one of the oldest hams in the identity of the bombers, I the country." DAILY Santa To Fly Tuesday To Naval Air Station Four Youngsters Perish in Blaze CRYSTAL LAKE, 111.. Dec.

23. BRAKE SPECIAL -pt -pt -pt Santa Claus will arrive by plane at the Atlanta Naval Air Station I Tuesday when officers and men station will entertain 42 chil-dren from the Red Shield Boys JZ Club. 5 Naval Air Station personnel, 4f Deluxe DC-6 service -NO CHANGE OF PLANES 4 Refill Master Cylinder. 5 Road Test Car. 3:00 pm EST I pm EST 9:15 am EST 1.

Relina Brake Shoes. 2a Repack Front Wheels. tv. Atlanta Ar. Los Angeles neaaea Dy comar.

w. jvic-1. 9:20 pm PST 1 :55 om PST I Ar.San Francisco! 8:00 pm PST WE DO Knight, acting commanding officer, will be hosts at a turkey dinner at 12 noon in honor of the boys and ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 435 Peachtree N. E.


Holy Communon and Sermon BOTH SERVICES BROADCAST OVER WATL ALL THIS' 3 Bleed and Adjust Brakes. (JP) Four of James J. O'Howell's ifive children were burned to death Sunday in a fire which destroyed the automobile trailer I which was their home, Witnesses said the trailer was 'enveloped in flames after an oil heater exploded. The dead were Rosalee, i Sharon, Margaret, 4, and 2-: year-old James, Jr. O'Howell.

38, who is employed iin nearby Woodstock, has another daughter, Mary Jane, 15, who escaped uninjured. O'Howell's i wife died about a year ago. PARTS EXTRA PARTS FOR girls, aged five to 14. AMERICAN After dinner, the youngesters FROST MOTOR' 00. will see a series of comic films.

AIRLINES aa Then there'll be a Christmas party, with fames and pifts and storkinp- candy. Santa himself will attend 450 PEACHTREE ST. WA. 9070 -pt Phone LAmar 324287 Forsyth St. N.W., or your fraval aganf wmmm i lanmnnmi r- the party and help distribute the ijl a.

a JL JL JL presents. I yTrTfTfTC'KTCJt'tr Jt JK IT ft TtTTTtltlt KIT 1.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


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