Pokemon Breeding Guide (2024)

Pokemon breeding is one of the most important things on Pixelmon! This guide will hopefully help you learn the essentials of breeding on Complex Pixelmon.

Breeding Items


Daycare blocks are necessary in order to breed any 2 Pokemon together. They can be purchased from /warp grassmart or from /shops under the Machines section. Daycares are only separated via color and they do not have any differences between them other than that. Note that Elite Rank has access to /daycare which allows remote access to daycares.

Hourglasses are used in order to speed up the process of breeding. They can be purchased from /warp grassmart or from /shops under the Machines section. In order to use an hourglass, you need to open a daycare, click on the hourglass in your inventory to pick it up, and then left-click on the box you would like to skip the timer for.

There are 4 types of hourglasses which have the following effects:

Isi's Copper Hourglass:

Single-use item that will skip a single requirement for the Pokemon in the specific daycare box to breed. Note that this is not needed on the server as we do not have item requirements enabled.

Isi's Silver Hourglass:

Single-use item that will skip 25% of the overall time for the Pokemon in the specific daycare box to breed.

Isi's Gold Hourglass:

Single-use item that will skip 100% of the overall time for the Pokemon in the specific daycare box to breed.

Isi's Diamond Hourglass:

Single-use item that will skip 100% of the overall time for Pokemon in all 3 daycare boxes. Note that these will not yield Max IVs on the server.

Destiny Knot

Destiny Knots are used in order to pass down 2 IV values from the parents' 12 IVs to the offspring. This means instead of 3 IVs being passed down, 5 IVs are passed down.


Everstones can be given to Pokemon in order to pass the nature down to the offspring. When either of the parents are holding an everstone, the offspring will have a 100% chance of taking on its nature.

EV Training Items
EV Training items can also be used for breeding. Making a parent hold any of these items will pass the specific IV to its offspring. The EV Training items have the following effects:

Power Bracer:

When held, the parent will pass its Attack IV stat to the offspring.

Power Belt:

When held, the parent will pass its Defense IV stat to the offspring.

Power Lens:

When held, the parent will pass its Special Attack IV stat to the offspring.

Power Band:

When held, the parent will pass its Special Defense IV stat to the offspring.

Power Weight:

When held, the parent will pass its HP IV stat to the offspring.

Power Anklet

: When held, the parent will pass its Speed IV stat to the offspring.

Breeding Basics

Egg Groups
In order to start breeding, you first need a Daycare Block as well as 2 Pokemon of the opposite gender (male and female). Each Pokemon has its own secondary typing called an Egg Group. In order to breed 2 Pokemon together, they do not need to be of the same species, however they do need to belong to the same egg group. You can view a Pokemon's egg group through /pwiki [PokemonName].

The following is a list of all egg groups:
Dragon, Water 1, Water 2, Water 3, Amorphous, Mineral, Human-Like, Grass, Fairy, Field, Flying, Bug, and Monster.

Egg Moves
Egg groups are based on the biological traits of Pokemon species, and they allow these similar species to breed with one another. Many Pokemon can belong to multiple egg groups which form breeding chains. With this, Pokemon that are unrelated to one another can breed, allowing moves that would not normally be accessible to certain Pokemon to be obtainable.

Egg moves can only be learned by a Pokemon when they are obtained directly from breeding. This can be done when either of the parents know the specific egg move, in which case there is a chance that it will be passed down to the offspring. An example of this is High Jump Kick for Cinderace, which can only be obtained through this method.

Note that the parents do not have to be of the same species, but they do have to be part of the same egg group and at least one of them needs to be able to learn the move in some way so it can be passed down.

Hatching Eggs

In order to hatch an egg, you first need to claim it from your daycare by clicking the check-mark that pops up when the parents are finished breeding. Players must then walk around with it in their slots until it hatches. An unhatched egg will not hatch or become closer to hatching if it is in a player's PC, and they are also unable to participate in battles.

The command /eggsteps [Slot] can be used to determine how many steps are remaining for the egg to hatch. Legend Rank gives players access to /hatch [Slot] which instantly completes an egg's step requirement causing it to hatch. This command is only usable every 10 minutes.

A "step" in terms of egg hatching is considered to be the equivalent to the time it takes to walk, at a normal speed, the length of two blocks. Mounting a Pokemon and/or other methods of boosting speed such as movement plates increase the rate at which egg steps are reduced. Pokemon with abilities such as Flame Body, Magma Armor, and Steam Engine when in the player's party decrease the amount needed making the process twice as fast. This effect does not, however, stack if there are multiple Pokemon in the party that possess these abilities.


- Out of all 12 combined IVs both parents have, 3 are randomly selected to be passed down to the offspring.
- The growth of the Pokemon will be in between the 2 growths of the parents (i.e. if one parent is runt and the other is giant, the offspring will be ordinary). If both parents are of the same growth, there is a chance to yield an "extreme growth" meaning you can get Microscopic or Ginormous.
- The female parent has an 80% chance to pass its ability to the offspring unless it has its Hidden Ability, in which case it has a 60% chance. The ability of the male parent is not involved in this process at all. Note that if a male Pokemon is bred with a ditto, there is a 60% chance that the male parent's ability is passed to the offspring.
- The type of Pokeball the offspring has once hatched is a 50% chance between both Pokeball types the parents are in (i.e. if one parent is in an Ultra Ball and the other is in a Great Ball, there is a 50/50 chance that the offspring will have one of the two).
- If the 2 parents have different original trainers, they is a 6x increased chance for the offspring to be shiny.
- If the male parent knows moves taught by HMs/TMs and the offspring can learn them, the offspring will inherit the moves.
- If one or both parents knows moves that are in the offspring's level-up move pool, these will be inherited. This will cause them to potentially have moves typically learned at a higher level.
- If there are more than 4 moves that fit the above criteria, then there is a priority hierarchy. Egg moves come first and if there happens to be more than 4 egg moves, the mother's egg moves are prioritized.

Ditto Breeding
Ditto is an exception in breeding because this Pokemon belongs to every egg group and has no gender. This means that it can be bred with any breedable Pokemon without any restrictions. Note that Ditto x Ditto breeding is not enabled on the server.

Legendary Breeding
Legendary Pokemon cannot be bred whatsoever as their egg group is considered undiscovered and they do not have genders. The only exception to this is Manaphy, which belongs to the Water 1 and Fairy egg groups, meaning it can be bred to produce Phione as offspring.

Regional Breeding
In order to breed regional Pokemon (i.e. Galarian, Alolan, etc.) and receive an offspring sharing the same regional form, either of the parents needs to be holding an Everstone. If they are doing so, the offspring will always be of that region. If this is not the case, the offspring will be in its default, non-regional form.

Breeding Taxes
When the IVs of one or more of the parent Pokemon exceed 80%, there will be a tax levied to claim the egg as tradeable. There is a base fee of 50,000 coins for each parent that crosses this threshold, and this is increased each time the Pokemon is bred. Every time a Pokemon that meets this requirement is bred, the total cost will be the result of the 50,000 base coin fee + the Pokemon's breed count x 20,000 coins.

If parent 1 has 79% IVs with a breed count of 2, this parent will not have any tax added. If parent 2 has 85% IVs with a breed count of 3, the total tax would be 50,000 + 3(20,000) = 110,000. Therefore, the total cost of the egg to be received as tradeable is 110,000 coins.

This, however, is not the only option available when it comes to claiming an egg. If a player is breeding for personal use with no intention to sell/trade the resulting egg, there is an option available to claim the egg as "untradeable" for no cost. Untradeable Pokemon cannot be traded nor sold on GTS. Offspring will also inherit the parents' trade-ability which means future offspring of the egg claimed will be untradeable.

Hovering over the egg in the claiming menu will provide the player a preview of the egg that resulted from the breeding. The egg can simply be discarded if it doesn't have the desired IVs, but one should note that the breed count will still go up even if it is not claimed. The breed count will likewise be inherited by the offspring Pokemon, and if its IVs are over 80%, this count will be reflected in the tax.

Breeding BP Pokemon

BP stands for Battle Perfect, in which a Pokemon has the most ideal IVs and Nature for battling and HA stands for Hidden Ability, in which a Pokemon has a rare ability that is often used to battle as well. To start breeding a Pokemon to have BP/HA stats, you first need to find a Pokemon that has at least 1 of the needed IVs for the offspring to be BP set to 31.

If the Pokemon is paired with one that does not have any maxed IV stats, you can pair your parent with any Pokemon of the same egg group. You would need the Pokemon that has the maxed IV stat to hold the respective EV training item (see the above EV Training Item section for further information) equivalent to the IV stat it has maxed. Then, you would breed the 2 Pokemon together until the offspring gets at least 1 of the needed IV stats set to max. Note that it does not need to be the same one as the parent, however it is preferable that the offspring gets at least 2 of the needed IV stats to max.

In the case where the other parent does have another maxed IV stat, it also needs to hold its respective EV training item equivalent to the IV stat it has maxed in order to pass this down to the offspring. This offspring will consistently get at least 2 IV stats set to max, and the more stats that are at 31, the better odds you have to get a BP Pokemon.

This process needs to be repeated until the offspring finally receives 4 31 IV stats. You can view what stats a Pokemon needs to be classified as BP in /pwiki [PokemonName]. After this, the EV training item should be changed for a Destiny Knot, which will make the parents pass 5 random IVs to the offspring. For this process, the more max IVs the parent has, the more consistently the offspring will get max IVs as well.

The goal when breeding Pokemon is to get all 5 of the needed IVs to max. After this, the only thing missing to consistently breed BP offspring would be the nature, which can be achieved by having the parent with the correct nature hold an Everstone.

For breeding a HA Pokemon to BP, the process would be the exact same, with the only difference being that the female parent has to be the one with the HA. In this case in particular, the ability matters more than the IV stats because if the female does not have its HA, the offspring can never get it.

Complex Specific Changes/Additions
These changes listed below are specific to Complex Pixelmon and differ from the original Pixelmon mod:
- Ditto x Ditto breeding is not enabled.
- Diamond Hourglasses will not yield Max IVs on the offspring.
- Copper Hourglasses have no use as we do not have item requirements for breeding.
- Elite Rank has access to /daycare in which you can remotely access your daycare.
- Note that Ranch Blocks and Environments are no longer on the 1.16 version of Pixelmon.
- Breeding Taxes are a form of payment for obtaining Pokemon of certain IVs or higher (see the above Breeding Taxes section for further information).
- Breeding Passes are items that can be used in order to skip the Breeding Tax on a single Egg in your Daycare. These can currently be obtained from the

Deceased Seasonal Pickaxe


Pokemon Breeding Guide (2024)


How to breed Pokémon with 6 perfect IVs? ›

  1. You can breed two 5IV pokemon together to get a 6IV then use that parent to propagate the IVs in further breeding projects (if it's female then swap out your female 5IV and beed until you get a 6IV male).
  2. Look out for giveaways on the various trading subs.
  3. Join max raids.
Jan 11, 2020

Can you get perfect IV Pokémon from breeding? ›

Thank you guys in advance. You need to use a destiny knot as well. When either parent holds a destiny knot, five IVs from either parent are passed down, with the sixth being rolled randomly. Of the 12 IVs between both parents, the more 31s you have, the better odds you have of breeding your 5 or 6 perfect IV Pokémon.

What Pokémon can only breed with Ditto? ›

Genderless Pokemon, like Rotom and Golurk, can only breed with Ditto. Same for Pokemon that can only be one gender and have no opposite gender counterparts, like Hitmonchan and Sawk.

How do you pass down hidden ability breeding? ›

Once you have the Pokémon with the Hidden Ability you desire, you can breed it to its offspring. In the past, only the female Pokémon could pass it down, but now the male can as well. The female Pokémon with the Hidden Ability has a 60 percent chance of passing it down.

How to tell if a Pokemon is 6IV scarlet? ›

Navigate to the Pokémon you want to check in your boxes, then press the "+" button to view the IV stats screen. Complete Scarlet/Violet's main story to unlock the ability to check IVs.

Can you get 6 best IVs? ›

So if you have two parent Pokemon, both with 6/6 perfect IVs, they'll pass 5 perfect IVs and the 6th will be random; if they 6th rolls a 31 (a 1 in 32 chance), you'll have 6 perfect IVs on the egg… and you'll never know which of those 6 IVs was the one that wasn't inherited, nor will it matter.

Can two dittos make an egg? ›

Unfortunately, Ditto cannot breed with other Ditto. The members of the Ditto Egg Group cannot breed with each other, which means that the only way to acquire a Ditto is through catching them in the wild, trading with another player, or through claiming one in a special event.

Can mew be bred? ›

1 Answer. Mew is in the Undiscovered Egg Group, meaning it cannot breed at all, not even with Ditto. Almost no legendaries can breed, with the exception of Manaphy breeding with Ditto to make a Phione Egg.

Can you breed paradox Pokémon? ›

You can catch each of the Paradox Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, you are not able to breed Paradox Pokemon the same way that you might breed regular Pokemon. So, if you want different abilities and stats, you'll need to catch a new Paradox Pokemon from Area Zero.

How rare is it to get a hidden ability from breeding? ›

As for breeding a hidden ability, having a female or non-Ditto parent with the Hidden Ability has a 60% chance of the offspring having a Hidden Ability, it won't pass if only the father has one (aside from when breeding with Ditto).

What happens if a male Pokémon has a hidden ability? ›

For male Pokémon (and genderless Pokémon) with a Hidden Ability, the only option to pass it along is by breeding with Ditto, and only in Generation VI and up.

Do Pokémon inherit nature? ›

You can influence the nature of a Pokemon by putting an Everstone on whichever parent has a nature you want to pass, which will then have a 50% chance of doing so.

How do you get a 6IV Ditto in Pokemon? ›

The best opportunity to get a six-IV Ditto comes from six-star Tera Raid battles, which can be unlocked in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet post-game. Pokemon caught in six-star raids are guaranteed to have five perfect IVs with their sixth stat being a random IV between 0 and 31.

What are the odds of getting a 6 IV Pokemon? ›

I have five perfect IVs on either parent
Matching IV SpreadsDiffering IV Spreads
6 Perfect IVs1/192 (0.5%)1/96 (1.0%)
5 Perfect IVs31/192 (16.1%)65/192 (33.8%)
4 Perfect IVs5/6 (83.3%)94/192 (49.0%)
1 more row

What are 6 IV Pokemon? ›

When it comes to competitive battling meanwhile, on almost every occasion you're going to want what's known as a 6IV Pokémon - one that has the maximum 31 IVs in all six of it's stats - HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed. Some exceptions do occur however.

How many perfect IVs can a Pokemon have? ›

IVs: Pokémon must hatch with them already at max (31 IVs) in the required stats.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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