Geneva County Reaper from Geneva, Alabama (2024)

6 GENEVA "QUEEN OF THE WIREGRASS" Arcli. History Volume as No. 2S GENEVA, ALABAMA, THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 25, 1945 $2.00 PER YEAR IN COUNTY '45 Swim Queen ENLUY ISOLATED IN PHILIPPINES Geneva County Wins Banner in Vfar Loan Drive if One Blue Cross Mark is on your paper it indicates that your subscription will expire in one month. If you see TWO BLUE CROSSES it indicates that your subscription has expired and it is time to renew.

Postal laws demand that we drop subscribers from our list after subscription has expired. lOBlachllarhHGls Get 20 to 30 Years in Cigarette Thefts Paris, Jan. 22. Sentences to hard labor ranging from 20 to 30 years were imposed today on ten more enlisted men of the U. S.

716th Railway Operating Battalion accused of looting supply, trains en route to the front. A second court trying another group of six men from the same battalion is expected to finish testimony and reach a verdict tomorrow. The ten convicted were involved in the looting and sale of a total of 10,750 packs of cigarettes and quantities of coffee and meat. Bundles of French currency and numerous orders were found in their possession when they were arrested. (A total of 182 enlisted men and two officers of this battalion are involved in the present series of trials.) sen Library Notes At a recent meeting of the board members of the Emma Knox Kenan Library, Mrs.

A. D. Adair, was re-elected chairman of the board. Mrs. Adair has served efficiently in this capacity for the past two years.

Various activities of the past year were recalled in reports from the librarian and the treasurer. Outstanding among these was the beginning of a shelf list, which is the foundation of cataloging under the Dewey decimal system. This work is being resumed and is being done by volunteer help. The librarian re-' ported a marked increase in circulation during the past year, and good use of the reference materials. Plans were discussed for additional shelf space, which is badly needed.

A book of special interest to Alabamians, as well as lovers of history is "The Coosa River Valley from DeSoto to Hydro-electric Power," by Hughes Reynolds, of Rome, Ga. Someone says of it: "This account of the Coosa River region is fascinating, readable and rich in sociological interest. Mr. AS AMHUCAN INVASION forces on Luzon stormed through enemy towns toward Manila, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced that In preparing for the invasion the enemy's supply line to the Philippines had been cut and the Japs will have to depend on such resources as are on hand.

The above map illustrates how this isolation has been achieved through constant raids on Formosa, the China Coast, fib Ryuky Islands and the Japanese mainland. Scores of Jap supply ships have been sunk in Manila harbor and other waters while Yank planes range the waters off the China coast with patrol-like regularity, constantly knocking out many vessels from the East Indies and Formosa. (International) i sW 1 if a WEARING one of the latest swim suit creations, Marjcrie Jennings, selected as the National Swim for Health Week Girl for 1945, is shown as she made her first official appearance at a convention in New York City. (International) Jack Glover Promoted At a 12th AAF: B-25 Base. Jack Glover, of Hartford, a tail gunner with a 12th Air Force B-25 Billy Mitchell bombardment group in Corsica, has been promoted to sergeant He has been with his group six months and has flown on 31 bomb- 1 and northern Italy as these tacti-1 but has written the story with ease cal medium bombers continue to and grace, weaving in many knock out the enemy's supply and legends and much folk communication lines in those sec- tors.

Recently, the group has also For those who like mysteries begun to select sintuar targets in there are two volumes each, con-the Balkans. I tain ing three complete, books. Prior to his promotion, Sgt. Their titles are: "The Corpse Glover was awarded the Air Medal Without a Clue," by Walling; for "meritorious achievement in "Black Bats of Fear," by Wool-aerial flight while participating in' rich: "Death Strikes at Heron New SPAR Cap SPAR Elizabeth Hall of Rochester. N.

models the new garrison cap designed for the Coast Guard Women's Reserve. A large number of the SPARS have changed over from the official brim-type hat to the new overseas-style cap. U. S. Coast Guard photo.

(International) sgs i a Oak Grove 4-H Club Our 4-H Club meeting was held at Oak Grove sctrool on Jan. 12, at 10:30 a. m. We gave out our certificates and got our record books. The boys and girls attended this meeting together.

Mrs. Threaten showed us now to fill out our record books. And we planned our meeting1 for February. The club was dismissed by the 4-H Club pledge. Dorothy J.

Hendrix, Reporter. tnrt. fwrwipawMMyu I Bp Poney Pate Expresses Appreciation We are in receipt of a very nice letter from Poney Pate, who is now employed in San Mateo, Calif. We gladly publish his letter so that his appreciation may reach his many friends: "San Mateo, "Jan. 16, 1945.

"Dear Horace: "How are you this morning? Cold? Get busy and have your office heated. I hope you are all O. K. I am feeling pretty good. "Horace, will you please put a few words in your, paper for me? I want to thank you, everyone, who have been so kind and helping to my mother, Sister Ruth, Sister-in-Law Chris and Brother Ray during my father's illness and death, while my sister, Cassie, and I are far away.

"We were very happy to see all of you when we were home while my father was sick. I want to thank you all again. I will be thinking of you always and will come to see you again someday. "How is everybody? Give my best regards to your wife, Mar-jorie, Bill and his wife. "Yours sincerely, "PONEY PATE." Ship Bears Name of Geneva County Washington, D.

C. On the roster of the Navy's mightiest fleet are 21 transports and cargo vessels bearing the names of Alabama counties. The Navy's prime movers of men and materiel, the APS and AKS are armed with five and three-inch guns and with 20 and 40-mm. anti-aircraft guns. Ships named for Alabama counties are: Autauga, Blount, Bullock, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Colbert, Crenshaw.

Cullman. Elmore, lay ette, Geneva, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lowndes, Marengo, Pickens, Shelby, Talladega, Sumter and Winston. OCT Geneva County Boys Casualties of War In a list recently released by the War Department the following Geneva county boys were reported as wounded in action in the European area: Pvt. David J. Byrd, son of Mrs.

Leslie K. Byrd, of Hartford Rt. Pfc. Bertis A. Smith, son of Mrs.

DUUtli OIU1W1, VI giwuiuu Abb. A TSgt. Robbie L. Waites, son of A cinH.u I4- 1 Mrs. Jessie V.

waites, oi Hartiora; and TSgt. Lester C. McLaney, son of Tillis McLaney, of. Hart ford Rt 3. fJCH Methodist Women to Give Playlet On Sunday evening, Jan.

28, at 7:30. the W. S. C. S.

will present a playlet, "Open Doors Which No Man Can Shut," at the Methodist Church. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting in which the open doors of opportunity for service are depicted by the W. S. C. Ben Words ot the Wise When they come downstairs from their Ivory Towers, Idealists are ant to walk straight into the gutter.

Logan rearsaii smith. Lt. Julian B. Whigham Awarded Bronze Star Mrs. Mildred Whigham has loaned us a letter she received from Brig.

Gen. W. G. Weaver in resrard to her husband. 1st Lt.

Julian B. Whigham. Before entering the service Lt. Whigham lived in Lowerv. where his Bar ents, Mr.

and Mrs. P. Whigham, now reside. Mrs. Whigham will be remembered as Miss Mildred Ed-mondson, of Bellwood.

The letter follows: "Jan. 2, 1945. "Mrs. Mildred Whigham, "Bellwood, Ala. "Dear Mrs.

Whigham: "I have just awarded the Bronze Star to your husband, 1st Lt Julian B. Whigham. "This award was made by vir- ture of heroic achievement on the field of battle. The complete citation will reach you in due course. "Permit me to share with you the pride and gratification which this award must bring you and to congratulate you on your contribution through your husband to the success of our military operations.

"Very sincerely, G. Weaver, Brig. S. Army, Commanding." OCR Former Geneva Boy Killed in Action In a list recently released by the War Department Sgt. Jake Brooks was reported killed in action in the Mediterranean area.

Sgt. Brooks was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

W. Brooks, who at one time lived in Geneva, where Mr. Brooks (better known as operated a meat market. Jimmie D. Brooks, brother, 12 Forest Avenue, Montgomery, was notified of his brother's death.

an attack upon an enemy troop House," by O'Neal; "The Book of and gun concentation at Rimini, the Dead," by Daly; "Button, But-Italy, which resulted in many cas- ton," by Pramhall and "Date with We proudly publish a letter from Marc Ray Clement, executive manager of the War Finance Committee for Alabama, written to Robert S. Ward, of Geneva. We're sure every citisen of Geneva county will be happy to know we made such a wonderful record in the Sixth War Loan, and this news paper does not hesitate to lay a large share of the credit for this achievement at the feet ol Mr. Ward for it was through his un tiring efforts that it was accom plished: Robert S. Ward, "Executive Chairman, "War Finance Committee, "Geneva County, "Geneva, Alabama.

"Dear Mr. Bob: "The people of Geneva county, under your able, wise and patriotic leadership have won the Sixth War Loan Bond banner in the Tenth War Bond District. In mak ing this great record the county exceeded its Bond quota by 81 per cent. There were only three counties in the state that made a better record. You also exceeded your total quota by 103 per cent, There were only four counties in the state that made a better rec ord.

No county south of Jefferson made a better record than ueneva. This makes you the champion of South Alabama. "You, your and all of the good people of Geneva county have every reason to be proud of this great record. I am happy that it is my privilege to declare you the winner of the banner in tne Tenth District and to announce your great record in the state. Certainly you deserve this great honor.

You have labored long and hard, and you have been inspired by reason of your duty to serve your country in time of need. Such inspiration and hard work always makes a champion. I salute 'the Champion of South "Please know that all of us here in the state office are grateful to you and your co-workers for the outstanding leadership that you have provided the program in Ge neva county. You deserve this great honor, and I am happy tfiat you have won the banner. "Sincerely yours, "MARC RAY CLEMENT, "Executive Manager.

y. "War Finance Committee, "for Alabama." ar.R Income Tax Notice A deputy collector from the In ternal Revenue Department will be at the court house in. Geneva, on Feb. 9 and 10, to assist taxpayers lunnuig vum viiia iiivuiiic vcA turns. Taxpayers requesting assistance of a Deputy Collector in preparation of returns must be able to readily furnish tne follow ing information: l.

A record of all income re ceived in 1944. 2. An itemized statement of all deductions they wish to claim on the return, such as taxes, interest, contributions, business expenses, cost of goods sold, etc. 3. The total amount of tax with held by all employers during 1944, together with Form W-2 furnished by each employer.

c.The amount of tax paid on estimated income tax for 1944 as reflected by declarations of such income filed on Form 1040-ES. 5. A copy of the 1943 return if depreciation was claimed on such return. qck Daniel Royal Awarded Infantryman Badge At a Central Pacific Base, Jan. 15.

T4 Daniel P. Royals, son of Mrs. J. R. Bradley, of Geneva, has been awarded the Expert Infantryman badge for passing tests demanding physical stamina and technical knowledge of weapons.

QClt Warren Dixon at Great Lakes Warren W. Dixon, son of H. A. Dixon, of Geneva, is receiving his initial Naval indoctrination at the U. S.

Naval Training Center, at Great Lakes, 111. His recruit training consists of instruction in seamanship, military drill and general Naval procedure. During this period a series of aptitude tests will be taken by the recruit to determine whether he will be assigned to a Naval Service School, to a shore station, or to immediate duty at sea. When his recruit training is completed, the seaman will receive a period of leave. OCR Gasoline Ration Information Regulations of the Office of Price Administration require that all gasoline issued must be ap proved by the Gasoline Panel.

All holders of any gasoline ration (B, or non-highway), are hereby no tified that it will be necessary for all renewal applications to be on file at least a week before renewal date in order that the rations may be issued by the actual renewal date. Wells R. Draughon, chairman of the War Price and Rationing Board, is asking that no applicant go to the board expecting to be issued a ration without board ap proval, lie also urges that each application lor supplemental gaso line be filled out completely with mileage rationing record attached. Leading ETO Ace PICTURED In the co*ckpit of his fighter plane it Lt. Col.

John C. Meyer, of Forest Hills, N. who, with 34 enemy planes to his credit, is ranked as the leading ace in the European Theater, (international). Geneva D. A.

V. Chapter Complimented It is a pleasure to publish such a complimentary letter written about the Geneva Chapter of D. A. V. The letter follows: "Russellville, "Jan.

5, 1945. "Editor, Geneva County Reaper, "Geneva, Ala. Sir: "I wish to take this method of congratulating the Geneva Chapter D. A. V.

for the outstanding record they made last year on membership, and also the fact that they saw it ht to re-elect jonn w. Uavis, commander lor tne coming year. Comrade Davis has made an outstanding record on membership. Today he is National Champion membership writer. I am proud of the splendid support nave received this year from Geneva.

I am doubly proud to call Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis friends. "Yours for a more peaceful future.

E. NIX, Commander, "Dept D. A. LHJlt Cross Roads H. D.

Club The Cross Roads Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. T. W. Gunter on Jan. 15.

The devotional was read by Mrs. Mavis Pope. Mrs. Carrie B. Threaton discussed the proper care of baby chicks.

New officers were elected for the club. They are: Mrs. Mavis Pope, president; Mrs. Camilla Brantley, vice-president; Mrs. J.

C. Howell, secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Roy L. Moore, reporter. Those present were: Mrs.

Ola Mae Vaughan, Mrs. T. W. Gunter, Mrs. James C.

Howell, Mrs. Mavis Pope and Mrs. Roy L. Moore. Mrs.

Carrie B. Threaton and Mrs. Al-thia Sullivan, of Columbus, were guests of the club. Delicious sandwiches and hot cocoa were served by the hostess. The club adjourned with prayer led by Mrs.

Carris B. Threaton. a A Statement by the 1 Reynolds has gone to great effort l. JJanger," by Wickers. The library is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 2 :30 to 6:30.

REBEKAH L. KENAN, Librarian. Roy L. Holley Helped Hew Out 7th AAF Base Lt Roy Holley, of Samson, lived up to his home-town's namesake when it came to a show of strength in establishing an air base in the Marianas. He and others of the 7th Air Force unit landed supplies and equipment under Jap fire and be- fan building an airstrip between ullet whistles.

Desnite the difficulties provided by two enemies the Japs and nature Holley and his men nursed their base from a beach head to a bastion. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Hosea V. Holley, of Samson, Lt Holley was a 1937 graduate of Samson high, school.

He attended Riley business college at Dothan, and then worked for Willette Mercan tile at Samson. Entering the service in November, 1940, he attended officer's candidate school at Ft. Washington, Md. He went to the Pacific in April, 1943. A brother, Charles, is in the coast artillery at Camp Stewart, Ga.

OCR Albert R. Shirah Missing in Action Mr. and Mrs. A. R.

Shirah, of Coffee Springs Rt. 2, have been notified by a telegram from the War Department that their son, Albert R. Shirah, has been missing in action since Dec. 18. The telegram follows: "The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your son, Pfc.

Albert R. Shirah, has been reported missing in action since eighteen December in Luxembourg. If further details or other information are received you will be promptly notified. "Dunlop, Acting "The Adjutant General." UCB Furlough to Increase Washington, D. C.

The War Department has removed all limitations on the number of soldiers who may receive 30-day furloughs. As a result, Gen George C. Marshall said in a letter to Rep. Brooks the number of service men returning from the war zones on such furloughs probably will "increase markedly" in the next few months. Theatre commanders, the chief of staff said, now have authority to return any men they can spare for one month plus travel time.

The War Department he added, is no longer directly involved in such decisions. ualties to personnel and the de- struction of, or damage to, a num-' ber of gun positions and other mil- itary installations." In addition to the Air Medal, he wears the Distinguished Badge and the European-Middle East-African theatre ribbon with a battle star for Italy. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Glover, of Hartford. Household Hint If you want to have healthy house plants, keep the leaves free from dust, stir the earth in flowerpots frequently and give them a little plant food occasionally. (For Week of Jan. 22) MEATS AND FATS Book 4, Red stamps, for use with tokens, 85 through X5, good indefinitely, new stamps until Jan.

28. PROCESSED FOODS Book 4. Blue Stamps X5 through Z5 and A2 through 2, good indefinitely. No new blue stamps will be validated until Feb. 1.

SUGAR Sugar stamp No. 34, good for 5 pounds 'indefinitely. No new stamp until Feb. 1. SHOES Airplane stamps Nol, 2 and 3, in Book 3, valid indefinitely.

GASOLINE A-l 4 stamps now valid through March 21. Ill on This Spot of Fair Weather! Rid yourself of that "hang on" cold and cough contact your family doctor and follow his advice LET US FILL HIS PRESCRIPTION 1 CITY DItUG CO. "Prescription Druggists" GENEVA, ALA. iTi Ti? TiFTi'7sTis1i NEW PHOTOGRAPHY SHOP JUST OPENED IN GENEVA We are prepared to make any type or size of photo-grap at reasonable prices. Will photograph weddings and birthday parties.

Baby pictures a specialty Call 81-J for Appointment H. WILLIAMS On Town Street Across from Dancy's Garage Purchase of a home is likely to be the most important financial transaction in the lifetime of the average veteran. Along with other Americans, he probably will be inexperienced in the financial and legal intricacies of acquiring a home. A mistake in the nature of "bad buying" or "over buying" can cause him plenty of grief in the years to come. The danger of making such a mistake is especially acute under' present market conditions in many areas.

The veteran should have all the protection that can be given from everyone involved in the transaction the broker, the builder, the banker, and the Government. The Federal Housing Administration, with its sound system of unbiased appraisal, is going -to do its part. Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day! 5TZ30 GiftiaoEis DqkiLz "Be a Citizen" Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation GENEVA, ALABAMA BJ.S)FII5B1 City License Due January 1, 1945, Will Be Delinquent February 1, 1945. 10 Penalty Will Be Added After February 1st Pay Now and Avoid the Penalty. IL L.

MARTIN, Cierh..

Geneva County Reaper from Geneva, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.