6 weeks old - need help struggling - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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6 weeks old - need help struggling - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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So we have been very lucky and had the happiest baby for 4-5 weeks, now the past week or so she has been very fussy, spits up a lot (everyone tells me it’s normal but I am going insane & im exclusively breast feeding with a nipple shield so maybe that has something to do with it?) but the “spit up” basically just pours out of her mouth she doesn’t act like it hurts her or bothers her it just seems like a lot to me, has baby acne so bad on her face that i sent pictures to our ped to confirm that it’s baby acne and not allergic reaction to something, is just squirmy nothing seems to calm her when she’s screaming and I’m trying everything sooth her, and she’s not napping as solid or as long as she was before. I’m just really struggling and I don’t know what to do I feel like I don’t know how to help her.

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if you don’t mind me asking what makes you need the nipple shield?

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I don’t mind at all, she refuses my naked nipple she acts like it doesn’t exist lol. I tried to pull the shield off mid feed to see if she’d go for it and she refuses. I do have a lactation consult coming tomorrow to hopefully help with that and maybe the positioning so she maybe won’t spit up so much?

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ok good I would definitely recommend the lactation consultant they help soooo much! I asked because I was strictly nipple shield also due to having short nipples but after using them a couple weeks I started doing what you said you did and it actually worked. I’m sure the consultant will figure it all out for you! And it regards to the fussiness it seems like all of our 6 week babies are going through that leap. My girl hasn’t been too fussy but sleep has been all over the place.

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we went through this recently as well. Ours is 6w4d now. Our pediatrician told us fussiness peaks at about 6 weeks. I also downloaded the wonder weeks app and I believe babies go through their first “leap” around this time. She seems to be getting better now, sleeping more at night and, not to jinx ourselves, but the last two nights we seem to have beaten her witching hours and my husband and I were actually able to eat dinner together. Our LO is also breastfed and bottle fed pumped milk and spits up pretty regularly, especially after I breastfeed. I think she may take more milk breastfeeding which leads her to spit up a bit more. She seems to be a happy spitter though since it doesn’t seem to bother her. Gas is still our biggest challenge. She has painful sounding cries and then she’ll let out a fart or poop and she’s fine. Hoping that gets better in the next several weeks.

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this sounds exactly the same as what we’re going through aside from the night time sleeping, she’s been SO good during the night I hope that doesn’t change. Thank you for responding it’s nice to know all of this is “normal”

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I could’ve written this exact response. Also 6w4d and everything you wrote is exactly what we’re going through! Our ped says it’s normal too and I’ve been following the wonder weeks app too. Good to know we’re not alone!

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6 weeks old - need help struggling - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (44)


This is babies first leap!! 6-7 weeks it peaks and literally nothing you do helps!! I was the only one able to soothe her and it wasn’t through breastfeeding, it was by swaddling her really tight and literally walking her around in circles. She is now almost 10 weeks old and back to her normal shelf!! She was the same way with spit and even lost weight!! Hang in there!! It feels like forever but it will pass in another week or so! ��

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thank you for all the info! I will try to swaddle her more, she runs hot so I try not to keep her swaddled all day but I will try!

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this gives me hope but it also still feels like it will never end…it’s been since she was almost 6 weeks to now 7 and one day and still going…just waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel ��

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I was experiencing this from the 3rd day of my sons life he is now 6 weeks and 3 days. At three weeks I ordered these probiotics and he has seriously been a new baby. He still spits up but not as much or as often. He is pooping regularly and doesn't struggle to pass gas anymore. He was going up to 5 days without going. He's EBF, I have an incredibly fast flow on my left side and a oversupply which was contributing to part of his problems. I'm a STM and struggled through it with my daughter. I've only been feeding him off of the right side and pumping the left because the flow is more manageable for him and then he doesn't suck as much air. He is so much more calm now and just overall more relaxed. He was so, so tense before. It was so hard to watch, nothing I did seemed to help him. At times he would scream cry anywhere from 2-5 hours and nothing calmed him until he finally fell asleep from exhaustion. I'll copy the link incase your interested. I hope things get better soon for you mama! Hang in there ��


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oh wow that sounds like you had a long few weeks! This might be a dumb question but how did you find out about the flows and how they were so different? Thank you for the link I’ll definitely look into it!

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in my first pregnancy my left breast would produce 2-3X what my right did. I can visibly see a difference when I pump as well. It sprays out from multiple spots. I can pump 6 ounces in under 5 min on my left. On my right side it really only sprays out of 2 spots and takes longer for me to pump. Also I can tell by how quickly my babies swallow. They can't keep up and are gulping and are in distress when eating on the left.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.